Memoirs, Or Shadows Of What Has Been
By Peter Landry

Chapter Eight, Cubs, Scouts & Penny Candy: 1950-54
Pictures in Support

A Group of Sisters of Charity
A Group of Sisters of Charity, None of Which I Recognize
The Saint Thomas Aquinas School Rhythm Band, 1953
The Saint Thomas Aquinas School Rhythm Band, 1953.
I am in the 2nd row, 2nd from the right.
A Group of Sisters of Charity
Class Shool Picture, 1954
The Saint Thomas Aquinas School Rhythm Band, 1953
Class Shool Picture, 1955.
Dominic O'Halleron, My Father & Don Fogerty
Dominic O'Halleron, My Father & Don Fogerty.
O'Halleron & Forgerty were teachers who
worked with my father in the running of
certain of the PT programs in the Halifax School System.
Peter, Thera Carpenter (neighbor), Nancy (sister), Linda (sister) & Unknown
Peter, Thera Carpenter (neighbor), Nancy (sister), Linda (sister) & Unknown.
My Father & Mother in the Parlour on Quinpool Road
My Father & Mother in the Parlour on Quinpool Road.
My Father and Twinkle
My Father and Twinkle.
Nancy, Linda & Peter
Nancy, Linda & Peter
Brother John & Peter
Brother John & Peter
My Mother. She was forever hanging out the clothes
My Mother. She was forever hanging out the clothes
Xmas, 1954, Family Shot
Xmas, 1954:
Gerrie (Joe's wife), Dad, Nancy, John, Mom,
(In front) Peter & Linda,
(In back) Paul (we knew him as Pal) & Lila.
Front of Quinpool Rd.
Front of Quinpool Rd. Taking Down the Storm Windows.

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2011 (2019)

Peter Landry